Degen Diary


Nailed it. Sort of. 2/3. Chiefs won. I can be happy with that. MVS almost fucked me with not only not hitting his yards but also the blocking penalty. God bless it was a spot foul and Mckinnon hit his over. I knew as soon as I picked MVS that Rashee was going to pop off. He did just that. I had been powdering MVS, Toney, and Rashee all season and of course I took the wrong one. It is what it is. That’s the Chiefs. I am just glad we kept the Broncos streak alive.


Ended up being a pretty solid Saturday. 3-1. It didn’t come easy but ended positive. Rutgers was the only team that killed me. The fact they couldn’t get 3 more points fuck fuck fuck. They came all the way back and I thought forsure they would kick one more fg. They didn’t. Pain. Indiana hit that quick. They didn’t score the rest of the game but that doesn’t matter when the line is 5.5. They had a solid starting offensive script and had two good drives and that’s why I bet them. Utah was touch and go starting off slow and then losing the cover in the 4th but it came through in the end. Tennessee was a roller coaster too. They got in the red zone so many times and got nothing for it I did not think they would cover. But A&M is trash. Good Saturday now on to Sunday.


Pain. Pain all over the slate. I missed the big upsets. I didn’t fade the public hard enough. I got fucked. 1-4. Fields injury fucked me. He was so close to his rushing yards until he got injured. Fuck. Derek Carr is a bum. They had so many chances to win this game. They missed too many fg’s and that’w what fucked me. I am not going to win a bet when the kicker goes 2/4. Add Grupe to the SL. Commanders went exactly how I predicted. They did try to bottle it at the end giving the Falcons the ball over and over again but they pulled it out. Add Smith to the SL. This was such a great pick if Smith could just catch the fucking ball. Two atrocious drops and if he catches one of them it is a W. Fuck him. How can you complain about targets and then drop the ball twice. Fuck em. Add Mac to it too. Fuck em. Hey fucker don’t take a safety when you can just throw the ball away. He is a joke. We had the cover all I needed was him to run 10 seconds off the clock and not turn the ball over. Fucking idiot. Terrible day. I luckily got saved by some long shot parlays I did but that is not good enough. I can’t rely in those I need to rely on these picks and they have to get better.


Easy. Herbert is awful. He missed way too many open guys. At this point I feel bad for the Chargers. They get these stat padding QB’s who can’t win close games along with braindead coaches. I mean I love to see it but starting to feel bad for all the trash fans they have. I hope this doesn’t come back to haunt me after this week. We will see. Rebounding with primetime feels nice though.

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