Lunch Break Lock

Record: 127-119-5 (-10.9 units)


Easy. It was a pretty solid first half. It was around the number and then started getting lower and lower as the game went on. With five minutes left it pretty much hit and all we had to do was avoid OT. That is exactly what I needed. I found the rat line and hit the rat line. I can feel the hot streak coming. The next week is going to be so so so wonderful.

Lock: Illinois/Wisconsin U148.5 1u to win 0.9u

Groundbreaking Analysis:

Not much on the board. It would have been a sin of I took something other than college basketball on Selection Sunday. I had to take this one. It’s the BIG 10. We are going to have tired legs. Both teams have to be gassed after playing three days straight. This game has to be slow and there has to be some fatigue from the past week. Illinois fucked me two days ago getting every foul call and I think that won’t happen today. This game goes under and then we get the brackets. I can’t wait to get the brackets. Let’s start the hot streak now.

Unbiased Stats:

Illinois/Wisconsin U148.5 4/L5

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